Since 1750 everlasting passion for stone still lives on.............
Dinko Kacic- Industrialist 1940 (third from the left)
Owner of Quarry Puciste –Brac 1940, with his employees, known as true man of the people, great leader and smart businessman.
At that time Mr.Dinko Kacic operated his quarry under name “Kacic’s & Sons “ which continued the tradition of his father’s grandfather ,and greate grandfather since 1750 until 1945. That year, the new formed Communist Yugoslavian government declared a new law that all private business are no longer legal, and therefore the government started process of stealing private business.Which is, as we know, the definition of Communism - wrongful taking of what initially belongs to you.
Among other families who were business owners, the Kacic's family also faced the misfortunate destiny which was that the government sent their personel prior ordered to kill Kacic's family,and start running the Kacic's & Sons Quarry under the name"Jadran Kamen".
Thankful to the priest from a church in island of Brach ,Kacic's managed to hide in the church basement for days, thereafter they proceeded to sail off to the city of Split. From Split, they made a home in the city of Trogir,where they have nested their family, and continued the tradition of sculptors.
Dinko Kacic died short while from the sorrow of unfortunate destiny he could not bare........
Dinko Kacic 1941
Kupinovo Pucisca -Brach
Kupinovo Pucisca -Brach